Your Lyric account is placed on hold when one or more of your advances is taking longer than projected to recoup due to a decrease in earnings. The hold on your account is intended to prevent additional advances beyond what you're earning, which would then tie your earnings up for a longer period of time. While your account is on hold, payments toward the advance continue to occur. Once the advance is recouped and all remaining outstanding advances are within their projected recoupment period, the hold on your account will be released.
To clarify how the process works, initial advances are estimated to be recouped in 4 months. Any additional advances you take while previous advances are outstanding are estimated to recoup within 5 months. If an advance is still outstanding after the estimated recoupment date, we give an additional 45-day grace period from that date. Your account is placed on hold only after this grace period is exceeded.
Please keep in mind that when one advance falls behind the estimated recoupment date, this can cause subsequent advances to fall behind as well. However, our projections for the advances we provide are intended to make sure any advance you take can be paid back within the recoupment period.